Minnie's Yoo-Hoo
The Mickey Mouse Club Theme Song
(Carl Stalling & Walt Disney)

Minnie's Yoo-Hoo war der erste hauseigene Disney-Hit. Zum ersten mal im Cartoon Mickey's Follies (1928) zu hören, entwickelte er sich ein Jahr später im Zuge der Eröffnung zahlreicher Mickey Mouse Clubs in allen Städten zur offiziellen Hymne der wachsenden Schar von Mouseketiers. Für diese Fangemeinde produzierte Disney 1930 den Kurzfilm Minnie's Yoo-Hoo, in der neben einigen Animationen aus Mickey's Follies auch der Text des Songs eingeblendet wurde. Vielleicht war dies das erste Karaoke-Video der Welt *schmunzel*. Ebenso wurde das Lied zur Anfangsmelodie fast aller nachfolgenden Mickey Cartoons seiner Schwarz-Weiß Ära. Dass Disney selbst an dem Lied mitkomponiert hat, dürfte wahrscheinlich nur auf das intime Geklüngel einer Zeit hinweisen, in der die feste Disney Riege noch aus eine Handvoll Leuten bestand.


I'm the guy they call little Mickey Mouse
got a sweetie down in the chicken house
neither fat nor skinny
she's the horse's whinny
she's my little Minnie Mouse

When it's feeding time for the animals
and they howl and growl like the cannibals
I just turn my heel
to the hen house steal
and you'll hear me sing this song

Oh, the old tom cat with his meow meow meow
old houn' dog with his bow wow wow
the crows caw caw
and the mule's hee-haw
gosh, what a racket like an old buzz saw

I have listened to the cuckoo 'kuke' his cuckoo
and I've heard the rooster cock his doodle doo-oo
with the cows and the chickens
they all sound like the dickens
when I hear my little Minnie yoo-hoo

Oh, the bluebird down in the cherry tree
and the busy buzz of the bumble bee
evening bells a ringin'
whippoorwills a singin'
well, they don't mean much to me

For my heart is down in the chicken house
where I long to be with my Minnie Mouse
and I'll meet her there
'mid that fragrance rare
sing to her this melody

Oh, the old tom cat with his meow meow meow
old houn' dog with his bow wow wow
the crows caw caw
and the mule's hee-haw
gosh, what a racket like an old buzz saw

I have listened to the cuckoo 'kuke' his cuckoo
and I've heard the rooster cock his doodle doo-oo
with the cows and the chickens
they all sound like the dickens
when I hear my little Minnie yoo-hoo